Lung and Respiratory - BODE Index for COPD Survival Prediction

BODE Index for COPD Survival Prediction

Select Criteria:
FEV1 % Predicted After Bronchodialator
>= 65% (0 points)
50-64% (1 point)
36-49% (2 points)
<= 35% (3 points)
6 Minute Walk Distance
>= 350 Meters (0 points)
250-349 Meters (1 point)
150-249 Meters (2 points)
<= 149 Meters (3 points)
MMRC Dyspnea Scale (4 is worst)
MMRC 0: Dyspneic on strenuous excercise (0 points)
MMRC 1: Dyspneic on walking a slight hill (0 points)
MMRC 2: Dyspneic on walking level ground; must stop occasionally due to breathlessness (1 point)
MMRC 3: Must stop for breathlessness after walking 100 yards or after a few minutes (2 points)
MMRC 4: Cannot leave house; breathless on dressing/undressing (3 points)
Body Mass Index
> 21 (0 points)
<= 21 (1 point)
Results: Total Criteria Point Count:
Approximate 4 Year Survival Interpretation
0-2 Points:80%
3-4 Points:67%
5-6 Points:57%
7-10 Points:18%
  • BODE stands for Body mass index, airflow Obstruction, Dyspnea and Exercise capacity.
  • MMRC is the Modified Medical Reasearch Council Scale for dyspnea2.
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