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Turbinate Reduction


What do I need to know about turbinate reduction? Turbinate reduction is surgery to shrink swollen turbinates in your nose. Turbinates are thin bones covered with tissue. Swollen turbinates can block air flow through your nose. This surgery can help you breathe more easily through your nose. Turbinoplasty is most commonly done in adults, but may also be done in children.

How do I prepare for turbinate reduction? Your healthcare provider will talk to you about how to prepare for surgery. He may tell you not to eat or drink anything after midnight on the day of your surgery. He will tell you what medicines to take or not take on the day of your surgery. Your healthcare provider may tell you to stop taking blood thinners at least a week before surgery. Blood thinners include aspirin, ibuprofen, omega 3, and vitamin E. Tell your healthcare provider if you take prescription blood thinners.

What will happen during turbinate reduction? Local anesthesia is usually given to numb the surgery area. With local anesthesia, you may still feel pressure or pushing during surgery, but you should not feel any pain. You may instead be given general anesthesia to keep you asleep and free from pain during surgery. This surgery will be done through your nostrils. Your surgeon may use heat, cold, mechanical tools, or a laser to destroy some of the tissue on your turbinate. He may also remove part or all of the bone. You may have gauze or a soft splint inside your nose to help prevent bleeding.

What will happen after turbinate reduction? You may have pain, fatigue, and nasal stuffiness after surgery. The nasal stuffiness is caused by swelling in your nose, and will decrease in about 1 week. You may also have mild drainage made up of mucus and blood.

What are the risks of turbinate reduction? You may bleed more than expected or get an infection. You may also have crusting, dryness, odor, swelling, and scarring in your sinuses after surgery. You may continue to have symptoms, or your symptoms may return. You may need another surgery.