Tooth Extraction


What do I need to know about a tooth extraction? A tooth extraction is a procedure to remove 1 or more teeth. Your healthcare provider will talk to you about how to prepare for this procedure. He will tell you what medicines to take or not take before the procedure, the day of, and after the procedure.

What will happen during a tooth extraction? Your dentist or oral surgeon may use medicine to numb the gum around the tooth and dull the pain. You may still feel pressure or pushing during the procedure. He may also give you medicine to keep you asleep and free from pain during the procedure. Your surgeon may first use a tool to cut the ligament that holds your tooth in place. He will grasp your tooth with forceps and move the tooth until it loosens. Once the tooth is loose enough, he will pull the tooth out. He may rinse the site with a sterile solution. He will apply gauze on the extraction site and ask you to bite down to help control bleeding.

What are the risks of a tooth extraction?

  • You may bleed more than expected or get an infection. You may have trouble fully opening your mouth for a longer period of time than expected. You may develop dry socket. Dry socket is a condition in which a blood clot does not form on the extraction site as it should or it gets dislodged. Dry socket can cause severe pain. A part of the bone that holds your tooth in place may be broken during the tooth extraction. This can cause your upper and lower teeth to become misaligned. It can also lead to an infection or tingling or numbness.

  • The top part of your tooth may break while it is being pulled. Your surgeon may need to cut your gum or part of your bone to remove the rest of the tooth. The nerve near the root of your tooth may be injured during this surgery.


You have the right to help plan your care. Learn about your health condition and how it may be treated. Discuss treatment options with your caregivers to decide what care you want to receive. You always have the right to refuse treatment.