Removal of Contraceptive Implant


What do I need to know about contraceptive implant removal? A contraceptive implant is a small device that releases hormones to prevent ovulation and pregnancy. The device is inserted under the skin on the inside of your non-dominant upper arm. It can be in place for up to 3 years before it needs to be removed or replaced. A contraceptive implant does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

How do I prepare for contraceptive implant removal? Your healthcare provider will talk to you about how to prepare for your procedure. There is usually little to no preparation needed before this procedure.

What happens during contraceptive implant removal?

  • You will lie on your back with your non-dominant arm out and bent up so your hand is near your head. Your healthcare provider will feel the area to find the implant. If he cannot feel the implant, an x-ray or ultrasound will show the exact location. Your healthcare provider will mark the area on your arm where the implant is located. You will be given a shot of local anesthesia to numb the area.

  • Your healthcare provider will press down on one end of implant so the other end lifts up. He will make a small incision near the lifted end of the implant. He will gently push the implant towards the incision until he can see the tip. He will gently pull the implant out by holding on to the tip. If your healthcare provider cannot see the implant, he may need to make a slightly larger incision to pull the implant out. Your incision will be closed with a steristrip and covered with an adhesive bandage. This will be covered with another bandage that applies pressure.

What happens after the implant is removed? You will be able to remove the top pressure bandage 24 hours after your procedure. The second, adhesive bandage may need to stay on for 3 to 5 days. Follow up with your healthcare provider as directed.

What are the risks of contraceptive implant removal? You may have pain, numbness, bruising, or bleeding at the removal site. You may get an infection. You may develop a scar. It may be hard to remove the implant if it was not inserted correctly, or it has moved. The implant may break during removal. You may need a larger incision to remove an implant that was inserted too deeply.


You have the right to help plan your care. Learn about your health condition and how it may be treated. Discuss treatment options with your caregivers to decide what care you want to receive. You always have the right to refuse treatment.