Breastfeeding and Breast Implants


Can I breastfeed if I have breast implants? You may be able to breastfeed if you have breast implants. It depends on the type of implants, the placement of the implants, and the way the surgery was done. You may worry that chemicals in your breast implants will mix with breast milk. Some breast implants are filled with saline water. Healthcare providers see no harmful effect if saline water mixes with breast milk. Some breast implants contain a chemical called silicone. Some healthcare providers say it is okay to breastfeed if you have silicone implants. Tell your healthcare provider if you have silicone implants and ask him if you should breastfeed.

Will I have problems breastfeeding if I have breast implants? Nerves, milk ducts, and milk glands can be damaged during implant surgery. Injured nerves can decrease the feeling in your nipple area. This may reduce your let-down response. This is when milk is released from the glands to the milk ducts so that it is available to your baby. Damaged milk ducts can decrease the amount of milk made by your breasts. Implants can also pinch milk ducts, block the flow of breast milk, and make your breasts swell.

How do the different types of breast implant surgeries affect breastfeeding?

  • The type of incision made during surgery can affect breastfeeding. An incision made around or across your areola (dark circle around the nipple) can damage the nerves. Incisions may instead be made under the breast, in the armpit, or in the belly button. These types of incisions are less likely to damage milk ducts, glands, or nerves.

  • The area where your implants are placed may also affect your ability to breastfeed. Breast implants can be placed in between your breast tissue and chest muscle. They also can be placed under the chest muscle to prevent damage to milk ducts and nerves. Implants placed under the chest muscle will not cause silicone to go into your breast milk. Incisions may be made through fatty tissue under your breast tissue to put the implants in place. This method is less likely to damage breast tissue.

How do I know if my baby is getting enough breast milk? Your baby is getting enough breast milk if he has 6 to 8 wet diapers and 3 to 4 bowel movements each day. Also, your baby is getting enough milk if he is gaining weight and breastfeeds 8 to 12 times each day. Ask your healthcare provider for more information on how to tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk.

What can I do to increase my milk supply? Use a breast pump after each feeding to help stimulate your breasts to make more milk. The breast pump also helps you empty each of your breasts completely. Breast massage also may help stimulate your breasts and increase your milk supply. Feed your baby 8 to 12 times each day to increase your milk supply. Ask your healthcare provider for more information on how to increase your milk supply.

Where can I find support and more information?

  • American Academy of Pediatrics
    141 Northwest Point Boulevard
    Elk Grove Village , IL 60007-1098
    Phone: 1- 847 - 434-4000
    Web Address:

  • La Leche League International
    957 North Plum Grove Road
    Schaumburg , IL 60173
    Phone: 1- 847 - 519-7730
    Phone: 1- 800 - 525-3243
    Web Address:

When should I contact my healthcare provider?

  • Your milk has not come in within 5 days of giving birth.

  • Your baby is 4 or more days old and has fewer than 6 wet diapers each day.

  • Your baby is 4 or more days old and has fewer than 3 bowel movements each day.

  • Your baby is breastfeeding fewer than 8 times each day.

  • You feel you are not making enough breast milk for your baby.

  • You have nipple pain while breastfeeding, or between feedings.

  • You have questions or concerns about breastfeeding.


You have the right to help plan how you are going to feed your baby. Learn as much as you can about breastfeeding. Ask healthcare providers about breastfeeding and about the best way to feed your baby.