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Hepatitis A antibody level

Hepatitis A antibody level

Hepatitis A antibody level

CDC National Center for Infectious Diseases: Guidelines for Viral Hepatitis Surveillance and Case Management. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Atlanta, GA. 2005. Available from URL: As accessed 8/23/2005.

MMWR: Positive test results for acute hepatitis A virus infection among persons with no recent history of acute hepatitis--United States 2002-2004. 54(18):453-6. CDC. Atlanta, GA. 2005. Available from URL: As accessed 8/23/2005.

Sacher RA, Peters SM, & Bryan JA: Testing for viral hepatitis: a practice parameter.. Am J Clin Pathol 2000; 113:12-17.

O'Connor JA: Acute and chronic viral hepatitis. Adolesc Med 2000; 11(2):279-292.

MMWR Recomm Rep.: Prevention of hepatitis A through active or passive immunization: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). 48(RR-12)1-37. CDC. Atlanta, GA. 1999. Available from URL: As accessed 8/23/2005.

Herrera JL: Serologic diagnosis of viral hepatitis.. South Med J 1994; 87:677-684.